We are running 2 SHOP 'N' DROP Xmas themed dance sessions for 5 - 11 year olds at BOURNE END LIBRARY on Saturdays 7th & 21st December - 10.00am - 12.30 at £12 per child per session. Come to one or both!! You drop them to us and then YOU GO XMAS SHOPPING (or where ever you wish for the morning!!)

Booking is through the library in advance, but do send me or Jacqui a reply if you prefer and we can forward to the library for them to send you a booking form



Come along and try our new MEN ONLY circuit class with our fabulous new trainer GLEN BROAD Glen is inspiring and enthusiastic and will get you guys great results from your workout - feedback from the first session last week was immense - dont miss out!!!


and LADIES you can have your CIRCUIT WORKOUT at the same time with JANE - all new super  circuits designed to tone you up ready for the xmas party season

Welcome to the new school year everyone!!

what a fabulous summer it has been and now we are all raring to go for the new academic year.  Check your booking letters to see when your classes start but here's a quick reminder: Holy Trinity classes - adult and child start week commencing 9th September

Sandygate Breakfast club now starts Weds 18th September

Courthouse & White Waltham Clubs start week commencing 9th September

all other clubs re-commence week beginning 16th September

Maidenhead & Ascot School Sport Partnership JUNIOR DANCE COMPANY - final auditions Monday 16th September, with company commencing the following week

recent parent recommendations for our classes:

"I would like to recommend Jane Douglas' s fitness and dance classes. Jane has been teaching my daughters for over 5 years now and it is the one class they never ever have said 'do I have to go'! 

Jane's classes are fun and energetic my girls always look like they have exercised while have good fun dancing to popular music. The classes have also improved my girls confidence greatly and every year at the annual show I am blown away by the standard of dancing and creativity on the stage. "

"my boys have loved every minute and have been attending since they were 4"

"Jane...thought you might like to know that at bedtime my son said (completely out of the blue) 'today was one of the best days ever'  me - why" --- 'youth moves was brilliant' - and he now wants to do extra Youth Moves!!    Thank you for making his day"

Congratulations to All Performers

Congratulations to everyone involved in the JDFD annual performance yesterday.  I was so excited to watch both performances (from the back of the theatre for a change) - such a treat!!  I watched each and every performer (of every age!!) give their very best performance.  From all the lovely comments and emails already received (thank you) it is clear it is our most successful show to date.  So proud of all, special shout out to Natasha Graul, Jacqui Morris, Wendy Beckett, Mark Hartley and Rhys Cockburn and of course each and every chaperone who helped us.  The children simply could not be a part of this without you and you are very much appreciated.  We will be  accepting new pupils into all our classes from next week so if your kids have enjoyed themselves do tell all your friends!!!  p.s.  The video will be on you tube very soon - will ensure you get the link if you didnt quite believe those Daddies!!  Have a lovely relaxing Sunday everyone. X